Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Colors of the season

The November sun slants low, and its light is golden. Here in the garden, a huge specimen of Salvia leucantha, also called Mexican bush sage, or sometimes "wooly sage" - is in lush, brilliant bloom.

The flowers are rich violet, and touched with fuzz. Hummingbirds love it. In cold areas it dies back in winter, but here in my Topanga garden, I have to cut it back.


  1. Beautiful pictures! Love how well that purple came out. It's been cloudy and grim here for a few days, thanks for bringing some color and sunshine into my day.

  2. I'm trying to wrap my mind around such a vibrant color in a mid-November garden.

    I'm planning on planting some Russian Sage in the garden next spring. Wonder if I should try Mexican Sage instead...

  3. Our color is almost gone here in Ohio...nothing but orbs until April or so...

  4. Love the color and the texture. Gorgeous!
