Saturday, November 5, 2011

It's that time again

 It's cold out there tonight!! We lit the first fire of the season, in the fireplace. We stopped taking the newspaper this year, so now we use junk mail to kindle the fire.


  1. 33% here. Probably still some nice weather left in November though, before we settle in for the brief Ohio winter (*snert*).

  2. LOVE it! I was getting a little tired of our 90 degrees. It's time for fall! What a great idea for junk mail!

  3. Do you get all the supermarket fliers once a wk.? Because it's the damn $1.00/day Times that mails those to you. You cannot escape.

    I'd be worried about burning the ink in that stuff.

  4. P.S.: Is that a stolen Postal Service box w/ the firewood? Heh heh.

  5. I thought your area always stayed warm?

    I wish we had a fireplace.

  6. M Bouffant - I am, as always, impressed at your discerning eye!!!

    Brightened Boy - when it gets cold in LA, no one can deal with it because it's so rare. We are wimps and our houses aren't built to keep us warm!!

  7. We had the wood stove going all day today, and the pellet stove is my friend in the early mornings (it helps bring the house temperature back above 60 degrees).
    Now if we can just get some snow on these 25 degree mornings!
