Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Some people I work with organized a get-together that reached out across many bureaucratic divides, all in the common interest of delicious desserts.

The First Annual Beach House Pie-Luck. At least I think it's the first. Maybe they've been doing it without me in the past?

Who cares? It's time for pie!

Berry cobbler, mincemeat tarts, pumpkin, apple, pear pie. Plus red velvet cake, pumpkin brownies and ooey-gooey butter cake!!  Me? I brought a nutty tart.

The problem with Pie-Luck, however, is that every individual brings a dish that can feed a dozen people! There was more pie than we could consume. Fortunately, there was a group of hungry guys around the place, who pitched in to help!

It was a great rehearsal for Thanksgiving!


  1. I must get my pies made tomorrow. Maybe my pie-making sons will help out. Probably just the basic pumpkin and apple.

  2. If this is what goes on in offices, I need a real job.

  3. I'll be baking like crazy tomorrow -- pumpkin cheesecake, butterscotch pie (an old, old, old recipe), and apple crisp.

  4. Oh my gosh. I so want to go to that party : ) YUM!

  5. Ooo...a Pie-Luck? What could be better than that!

  6. Interesting - does "pie" always automatically denote sweet/dessert in the US? In this country one's first thought is savoury....

    They certainly look lovely!

  7. I'm not a pie person. Not really a cake person.

    But I'd bet you could change all that.

  8. The problem with Pie-Luck, however, is that every individual brings a dish that can feed a dozen people!

    And this is a problem?!?

    We had 12 people here for Thanksgiving dinner. By noon on Friday, we had consumed 3 pumpkin pies, 2 apple pies, and a cranberry-apple cobbler.
    The only reason we had a pumpkin pie leftover is that I hid it in the back of the car. (It's cold enough here to be a de-facto fridge.)
