Monday, November 28, 2011

Rose for winter

This is Hybrid tea "Julia's rose." It's growing in a large pot on my deck, and today it has 5 buds or blossoms on it.

It's an unusally colored rose - it's almost tan, because what would be a delicate peach is muted by a colder hue.

Here in bud it's closer to peach-pink, but as it opens and ages, its color changes.

Another bloom.

When "Julia's rose" is in full bloom, the flower opens to reveal the godlen stamens inside. It's a beautiful, subtle rose, perfect in November's slanting golden light.


  1. Beautiful pix, Aunt Snow.

    No roses left here in W.V. (But the gnats are gone, too, so there's that.)

  2. Thank you, roses in November what a beautiful sight.

  3. I'm so far removed from roses in winter that seeing one is a little astounding. You are right, Aunt Snow, the subtle color is perfect for late November.

  4. Gorgeous! Gorgeous Tearoses.
    Fortunate, you.
