Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nice work if you can get it

At work we have been going through some staffing and structural changes. Some long-time employees have transferred to other departments, and their duties have been shifted to other people. Some folks are better trained than others.

Yesterday, a man came through the office to empty the trash. We chatted pleasantly, and I watched as he trailed a large plastic garbage bag behind him. He picked up the black trash bin beneath my desk, dumped the contents into the plastic bag. Then he picked up the blue bin, where I'd deposited recyclable papers and plastic, and dumped the contents into the same plastic bag. I watched as he went from cubicle to cubicle, dumping all our carefully separated trash and recycling into the same plastic bag.


  1. He's new to the job.

    That recombination isn't supposed to occur until after all materials have left the site.


  2. That was happening at our school, too. Grrr.

  3. HA! to first commenter. Good one.

  4. Did you just sit there quietly?? I'm not sure I could have:)

  5. head::desk

    As a semi-rabid recycler (recyclist?) this would have made me crazy!

  6. many of the recycling companies are forced to do the sorting anyway, because enough people don't sort that it screws up their processes.

    Milwaukee had a real simple sorting, paper on one side, glass/plastic on the other, and recently just went to one step; all the recycling goes into the blue bin. No sorting, WM will do that anyway.

  7. I've seen this many times. I would suspect the cleaning people only have one dumpster in which to dump everything.
