Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pink Saturday - pink my ride

It's Pink Saturday -  Beverly, at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire you.

It was a typical Saturday afternoon in Hollywood. We'd hopped on the northbound Hollywood Freeway at the Sunset Boulevard on-ramp, and were threading our way through the Caheunga Pass. Past the stacks of the Capitol Records Building, past the Hollywood Bowl, past Universal City, where a sparkling white stretch Hummer limousine glided down the ramp. These things are pretty common in Los Angeles, but moments later, we were startled by a car we saw ahead in traffic.

A Barbie pink Bentley.

Oh, sure, there are lots of Bentleys in Los Angeles, but few as conspicuous as this. Who could it be? Curious, we stayed in our lane and hoped the flow of traffic would bring us alongside.

Click photos to "embiggen"
Pretty soon, we were just alongside the car, and from the passenger seat, I got a quick photo of the driver. A stylish dark-haired young woman.

As we passed and the pink Bentley receded behind us, [The Man I love] looked in the rear view mirror.

"There's another one."  The Bentley was behind us, but coming down the ramp was another pink vehicle.

This one proved to be a large SUV or truck, headlights blazing. It soon pulled alongside the Bentley as it changed lanes.

Just what was going on in the Caheunga Pass, with Barbie-colored vehicles racing along the freeway? I expected to see Angelyne's pink Corvette any second.

On came the pink truck. The fork as the Hollywood Freeway split into the 170 and the 101 Ventura Freeway, the Bentley moved to the left and overtook us - gliding past us toward the San Fernando Valley, the pink truck, meanwhile, right behind us and closing in fast.

We took the split to the westbound Ventura freeway, and the pink truck followed, then slipped into the right hand lane and stepped on the gas.

On it came, and soon it was beside us - it was a Ford F150 king cab pickup, driven by a blonde young woman.

Then it was gone.

After we got home, I googled "pink Bentley" and after a bit, discovered that - although Paris Hilton famously drove a pink Bentley for a while - on December 1, 2011 a size called StarzUncut featured a story about pop star Nicki Minaj and her new pink Bentley.

What do you think, was that Nicki Minaj we saw, cruising through the Caheunga Pass all alone in her new, $200,000 pink 2012 Bentley Continental GT?  Where was she bound?

And who was the blonde in the pick-up? Was it a coincidence both pink vehicles were together on the same highway? As they drove alongside one another, did their eyes meet? Did they nod approvingly at one another's iconic choice of color?

We'll never know. Los Angeles is full of stories, and I've probably given this one has way more meaning than it deserves.


  1. No pink unicorns? I have, as they say, a sad.

  2. I loved it. I tried to get my Hubby to let me paint our Jeep Pink, he said NO! They have Pink Jeeps in Sedona. I'd go for a Pink car any day!

    Have a great Pink Day!
    marian elizabeth

  3. fabulous pink ride! happy pink saturday. xo

  4. I wonder if you're more or less likely to get a ticket in a hot pink car?

  5. Hilarious! Only in So Cal, which is where I live also. Thanks so much for sharing such a great story with the great photos. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  6. Happy Pink Saturday! I love your post and the pink vehicles on the freeway! Say hi to Nicki if you see her again! LOL!

  7. You sure do live in a different world out there. ;)
    BBBB made me laugh, just reading his comment.

  8. My wife wants to paint our SUV a Barbie pink. LOL. We also have a little girl who's addicted to pink. Anyway, I should consider buying her another car instead of having mine repainted. :)

  9. That was Nicki Minaj, no doubt!
    She changes wigs like normal people change underwear, that's why she had black hair in your pic. Also, her Bentley has the pink/black "B" logos in the middle of the rims, and that's pretty unique.
    Now you know who you saw :)
    Great blog!

  10. That shade of pink actually looks good on the Bentley. Pink stuff are not really my thing, but for that gorgeous pink truck I'd gladly make an exception.
