Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pig on dog

 Jack gets along pretty well with Henri.  We let them play together. I was careful to make sure Jack didn't overpower Henri.

But I don't think that's a problem.

 Henri can hold his own on the playground.

He wants to play with everyone, even YOU!

Jack, Henri, and Lola in a quieter moment.


  1. And I thought my two cats were funny together. Great shots and video.

  2. that is too cool, never would have thought they play like this

  3. adorbs!!!! your dog is so cute, and playing with a piglet?!

  4. Too, too cute!
    My BFF had a Vietnamese Potbellied Pig when my oldest son was a baby. I wish I had a video of him sharing his Cheerios with Hamlet.

  5. Now, that is hilarious and adorable.

    "What kind of weird little dog is this?" Jack wondered.

  6. Sweetest video of the month! Dogs and pigs, just chillin'.

  7. I like the third one with the sleeping piggy and the doggy kisses. Our happy little neighborhood! ; )
