Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Short term goals

Mrs. G and Jen on the Edge have the right idea for New Years Resolutions. Instead of setting unrealistic expectations for excellence in 2012, I'm setting some modest, achievable monthly goals.

My goal for January is - to get my whole phone thing together, for once. This means organize the contacts in my phone, figure out how to retrieve my voice mail (yes, I am that lame!) and get a Bluetooth device for the car.

Then maybe someday I can get an I-pad like Jack!


  1. Does Jack play Angry Birds?


  2. I had something to say until I read what albug said. Now I'm laughing too hard to be coherent...

  3. That's an awesome goal. I might have to make it my goal some month soon.

  4. That Jack is one lucky doggie.

    Manageable monthly goals. I like it.
