Wednesday, March 14, 2012


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Someone I know played hooky from work on Monday and sent me this photo from high atop Point Dume. It was awfully nice to sit in my cubicle and open this up from my email, imagining myself up there looking out over the Pacific.

I'm not playing hooky at all, I'm at work with a lousy cold, weird goggle-eyed glasses, and (now, I think) an ear infection. I just attended a meeting where we pored over lots of detailed figures on spreadsheets, I smell strongly of Ricola, and I'm barely hanging on, here. In two hours I have my French mid-term exam.

I may need to stay home tomorrow, but what a waste. It's so much more fun to play hooky when you're not sick, isn't it?


  1. Oh I do hope you feel better soon! But that is a lovely view to look at with a bad cold!

  2. Full time job, French mid-term looming, now you have a cold ... I feel for you. Take some time to de-stress, you deserve it.


  3. You're right about sick days - not to be wasted when you are actually sick!
