Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rainy Sunday

It has been pouring down rain since 8:00 am this morning. When will it stop? I'm still in my pajamas.


  1. Oh gosh, send some our way here in Denver! We are so very dry this month, yet March is typically our snowiest month of the year. We've only had a trace of snow and no rain at all. If the warm/dry weather keeps up, this will be our dryest March on record.

  2. It rained here in W.V. all day yesterday, and is raining again now.

    In fact, I'm going to post a video of yesterday's rain soon. (I like the sound, it's very relaxing.)

    I have to say though, it's been a dry and warm winter. We probably need it.

  3. It rained during the night, but we had a sunny break around lunchtime. Long enough to walk into town for a beer and a burger!

  4. We had a beautiful day today, but according to the weather people, that rain is headed our way. Like Deborah in Denver, we need it badly, it's been one of the driest winters in a long time.

  5. It's been gorgeous here all weekend long (perfect for the youngest boy's campout) but we are now expected a week of rain. Must be spring!

    PS: I had several days last week in my PJs. Nothing wrong with that!

  6. Rainy sundays are best spent in pajamas!

  7. is that a view from your place G? Soooo pretty...

  8. Rainy day=reading a book in your pajamas.
    Hope you enjoyed it, because you deserved it.

