Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring swing

This sign painted on a building in the 900 block of South Broadway in downtown LA made me stop and come back for a photograph.

A dreary place, the block is an example of the demolition and paving of downtown Los Angeles. Facing the crumbling but beautiful gothic United Artists Theatre, a vast parking lot lies behind steel fences, with only a few buildings standing.

They include a narrow, boarded up loft building, with a graceful gothic-inspired facade. On the blank side facing the parking lot, a girl on a swing kicks her heels from bright red letters.

What's it mean? Did some inspired graffiti artist alter the ubiquitous advertisement for PARKING in a plea for more green space and family amenities in downtown LA?

Or is it painted as originally intended? This photo from January, 2010 shows  no advertisement on the building's side.  Who knows?

Enjoy the mystery - and glimpse of the beautiful turquoise terra-cotta Eastern Columbia building beyond.

UPDATE: Sheila is absolutely right, the artist is Banksy!