Thursday, April 5, 2012

The war on caterpillars

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus was recently asked about news stories that his party is losing support from American women.

Though polls clearly indicate this is the case, Mr. Priebus disputed that. Here's what he said:
If the Democrats said we had a war on caterpillars and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that Republicans have a war on caterpillars, then we’d have problems with caterpillars...It’s a fiction.
In fact, American women have become increasingly dismayed and disturbed by legislation introduced by Republicans that restrict access to abortion and even contraception, and make access to reproductive health care in general more difficult and demeaning.

Not to mention the many cases where Republican policy-makers have, through means both subtle and overt, shown their disdain for womens' role in shaping American health policy, and impact our very ability to make our own decisions.

But Mr. Priebus thinks it's all a myth, with an analogy that compares American women to caterpillars.

You know something, Mr. Priebus?

Caterpillars don't vote.

We do.

Good luck with your efforts to win women voters. The way you're going, I'm sure that'll work out well.

Want a suggestion?  Quit comparing us to insects.


  1. I am not sure I will make it through election season without my head exploding.

  2. Caterpillars, schmaterpillars.

    It seems to me the Republican platform is hell bent on getting government out of our lives, unless of course, you're a that case, little lady, you just go back in the kitchen and don't worry your little head about your rights, because we've simply recalled them all.

    And exactly how different is that agenda from the Taliban's?

  3. US Elections seem strange and incomprehensible to this UK inhabitant!

    But I know a nasty misogynist when I see one!

  4. The gov. of SC was on NPR this morning and was asked about this very issue---her obfuscation was "American women are smarter than that, they are not simply concerned about birth control". I was thinking "oh, go ahead and use that double speak to try to make the truth suit your cause". Fact is, women and men are pissed at the repubs because this issue was put behind us decades ago, seemingly, and Americans really don't want republican politicians hanging around in their bedrooms, closets, bathrooms, underwear, etc. What a bunch of clueless morons...and I thought W was awful, how could these guys be WORSE?

  5. Yes, to what Cactus Petunia said!
    I do think this is all so neither side has to talk about the economy and what gas prices will do to us AGAIN!
    The election can't come soon enough for this woman!


  6. Gary, I'm listening to Nikki Haley on NPR right now.

    She just said Romney's strength is his wife....

    so, ladies, don't worry about his policies, Ann will invite you over for tea.

  7. I could not disagree with you more politically. However, if a war is declared on caterpillars I will be ready to take up arms!

    PS...I vote too and so do many more like me.

    PPS...I am a woman.

  8. I live in northern IL, about a half mile from WI. I SO wish I could vote in the recall election to get Gov. Walker booted out of there --I have contributed money, but that's the only way I can support my WI friends and neighbors.

    I really hope that these issues will get young women to the polls, because they take a lot of this for granted, and if they don't start voting, their going to have to fight this all over again.

  9. She just said Romney's strength is his wife....

    She's just as gaffe-prone as he is! I posted about this earlier this week.

    so, ladies, don't worry about his policies, Ann will invite you over for tea.

    Remember to use the servants' entrance!

  10. Maybelline, bless you! I will join you in the war on caterpillars.

    Despite our differences, I hope you do acknowledge that it was an unfortunate choice of metaphor for Mr. Preibus to use?

  11. So you'll know - Mrs. Romney does not take tea. She seems like a very nice woman that is very strong. But I honestly don't know her well enough to make fun of her. Can't think of one 1st lady that I don't like. Mrs. Romney won't be an exception.

  12. I like this blog when you write about the old buildings in L.A. that are still there and also the posts about restaurants in surrounding communities. it was interesting and special The political stuff you have so much of lately is starting to get boring, very boring. There is enough of that everywhere now. But I already am sure you will say things like it's your blog, and you have a right to express your opinion, and all that happy rot ad infinitum. Oh well, c'est la vie.

  13. I'm surprised that they haven't figured out that women are 51% of the population. Maybe they're just really bad at math.

  14. What's pictured is actually a tomato hornworm, and about midsummer when those bastards are destroying my 'maters, I'll be totally down with a war on them.

    And you're right. Come November, half of America will be remembering this 'War on Women', which leads me to ask if RNC really feels lucky, punk.

  15. There is not a Republican "war on women." Get a grip.

  16. Aunt Snow, you know we disagree on this, but not for the reason you think. This all started with the gov't trying to force churches to pay for controversal (for the church) health services, and the Democrats are dragging this issue out because this administration has nothing else to stand on. But back to gov't trying to control health care. Since I get "free" gov't healthcare through the military, I feel like I have a glimpse of what the rest of you are in for. I've had some wonky stuff going on in my "lady parts" lately. Last week I went to the (female) doctor. We agreed birth control might straighten things out and get me back on track, but she refused to write a prescription because I'm "too old." I'm a 38 y/o non-smoker. No discussion. I could try another dr here, but they all follow the same (usually) unbending rules. Just be careful, is all I'm saying. All this fight for choices and you might end up losing them in the long run.

  17. You are probably going through menopause Littlemama. Iknow, I know, when we are still young and vibrant, sometimes we don't like hearing the m word. Because it means we are getting older. But realistically speaking, that's probably what it is. You don';t really need medication for it. It happens to all of us sooner or later.

  18. littlemama and Sheila - your input is always welcome here - along with everyone else. Thanks for following and commenting.
