Friday, May 18, 2012

She liked trees

Our native coast live oaks drop acorns that sprout and develop into amazingly strong seedlings.Once they get established they are really hard to uproot. They survive brush fire and drought and flood and earthquake, and endure throughout any human troubles. When they mature, their branches spread out and embrace all that fall within their shade.

My friend Laurie passed on tonight at 9:00 pm. I'm planting a coast live oak in her name.


  1. I am so very sorry. {{HUGS}}

    When I come to visit you someday, I would like to see her tree and toast your friend with a glass of whatever you think will best honor her memory.

  2. Its so sad when friends die, but such a lovely thought to plant a tree in her name. Especially one that sounds like it can't be destroyed by anything!

  3. My condolences, Aunt Snow.

    That's a lovely tribute.

  4. I'm so very sorry for your loss. A tree sounds lovely. Take care.

  5. Sending you an online *HUG*, Glennis, and much sympathy.

  6. A great memorial to her. Sorry to hear of her passing.

  7. I am so sorry. The tree is a beautiful idea.

  8. I also want to say thank you for posting that beautiful clip. I love Charlie Hayden and have been back to this post 3 times to watch it again. Hope you and Laurie's family have found some measure of peace. - .claudia
