Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thematic Photographic - Got the blues

Carmi, at Written, Inc., posts a weekly photo challenge called Thematic Photographic. This week, the theme is GOT THE BLUES. Take a picture that supports this week's theme, then share it on your blog or website.

I've got the blues because we've entered our annual season of June Gloom - chill summer fogs for those of us on the coastal side of the Santa Monica mountains.

But the blues I'm anticipating are the exquisite lilac-blue flowers of my jacaranda tree - which, in my yard, blooms right in the middle of June Gloom.  Here in Southern California, there are some residential streets that are lined with jacaranda trees on both sides that, when in bloom, arch like a celestial canopy over the streets and yards.

Mine has only just begun - but there are many clusters of buds, anticipating the moment this tree will be covered with blue, blue flowers.


  1. Pretty!

    It's raining cats and dogs in W.V. today. But we needed it, as the farmers say.

  2. Now I want to see that jacaranda tree in flower as I have never seen one.

  3. So lovely - not the foggy bits, the jacaranda... makes me long for our own jacaranda season, 6 months away still.

  4. I love the fog, for short periods of time. So cozy, and quiet. Nice pictures.

  5. I am a fan of fog, and your shots are pretty comfortable! Great for an early morning walk. It's looking like rain here too, but we can use it!

  6. Well, not really blue.... but very lovely shots. :)

  7. I've never seen a jacaranda tree, if it is this pretty just in bud form it should be mind blowingly pretty in full flower
