Monday, June 25, 2012

Thematic Photographic - Welcome summer!

Carmi, at Written, Inc., posts a weekly photo challenge called Thematic Photographic. This week, the theme is WELCOME SUMMER. Take a picture that supports this week's theme, then share it on your blog or website.

Click to "embiggen"

Ahhhhhh! the beach. This is Sycamore Cove in Ventura County, California. A picnic table awaits beneath a wind-crabbed tree, and gulls fly. Welcome, summer!


  1. Gorgeous! I could just sit there and watch the waves!

  2. Oh yes! Nothing says summer like the beach.

    I'm going to have to make do with the golf course and the fauna...

  3. Wow. That needs a frame and to be hanging in someone's beach house somewhere.

  4. I love the beach. It's so relaxing and makes for the perfect summer day.

  5. The beach is empty. What's the catch? I'm with 'ifthethunder' on the golf course.

  6. How did you know I was longing for the beach this week...sigh! I can almost hear the sound of the waves crashing.

  7. Fire up that barbeque, I could go for an ocean swim and a good burger.

  8. Yep, this is just how I love my summers, by the water...and and hot, white sand too!

  9. How beautiful! My post was about the beach, too...just a bit farther north!
