Thursday, June 7, 2012

Weekly Jack

Here's your Weekly Jack.

Jack is still shedding, despite the ministrations of Luke, our Mobile Dog Groomer. So today I took him with me to work and dropped him off at a groomer across the street from my office.

They also do doggie day care there, but primarily for little dogs. When we arrived, he was greeted by a cohort of wee terriers, spaniels and dachshunds. Jack let the little twerps yap at him, then nosed at the food bowl.

The groomer said they'd take him on condition that if he acted up, they could call me to come get him.

They didn't call. By the time I picked him up at the end of the day, he had charmed everyone - groomer, pet shop owner, and little yappy dogs alike.

They sent him home with a treasure trove of doggie treat samples, and a sweet-smelling smooth coat. Isn't he beautiful?


  1. Glad Jack had a fun filled day at day care.
    ♥ Cinnamon

  2. He is a beautiful dog. I'd love to have a dog like that if I had the time and inclination to take proper care of him (or her).

  3. He is gorgeous - and he seems to have grown quite a bit! I'd love to have him!!

  4. Ah, to be free of excess hair and master of the porch!

  5. I've made no secret that I'm smitten (via internet - how strange) with your dog. He looks lovely and well loved.

  6. Look at that sweet dog face. Of course he was a good boy. I love him.

  7. Look at that sweet dog face. Of course he was a good boy. I love him.
