Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vernacular cat art post

My friend Heather is the proud owner of a folk-art painting of a cat. This painting has been the subject of much critical discussion in her family and circle of friends. Heather maintains it's a masterpiece of American Vernacular Art. Her husband disagrees.

But I have to thank Heather for creating, in our bloggy circles, a new category of art - Vernacular Cat Art. During my travels, I've been on the lookout for examples, and so I proudly present to you this wonderful piece.

It is a piece of fabric taken from the fuselage of a French World War I fighter plane from 1914. It is part of the collection in the Musee de la Vie Bourguignonne Perrin de Peycousin, in Dijon, France.


  1. There are some wonderful examples on the various walls of Paris -- did you find some while you were there? There's a gorgeously grinning chat in the 7th. . . .I have a photo of it here: http://materfamiliasreads.blogspot.ca/2009/04/muriel-barberys-elegance-of-hedgehog.html

  2. I think it's splendid - and I have to say, it's muchbetter than Mrs G's blue-eyed Siamese paint-by-numbers. This is actually art!

  3. Aw, don't be mean on Mrs. G's Siamese cat!! ;-)

  4. I'm all for adding to the collection of Vernacular Cat Art.

  5. Its wonderful! And a very FRENCH cat!

  6. This is my kind of Kitty Gigantica. I think it's the eyes of Mrs. G's cat that make me nervous.

  7. I'm going to volunteer to curate our online cat art museum as I seem to have the most ... how shall I put it? The most cat stuff.
