Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dirty Harvey

Would never have thought of Clint Eastwood as Elwood P. Dowd, talking to imaginary creatures? And the invisible guy in the chair seemed to be holding his own in the argument.

Just sad. 


  1. That was both sad, and the best moment tonight.

    Because the rest was just a bunch of boring guys telling lies.

  2. Read about this in the morning. Whilst never a fan of Dirty Harry or of Mr. Eastwood's politics, I tended to like his work as a film maker. Am wondering whether his new movie, being advertised now, is going to be worth it. Stayed away from the Republican convention on purpose - there are only so many lies one can take on a daily basis

  3. The best response I've seen was a suggestion that the Democrats have William Shatner sing Rocket Man for their closing night "surprise."

  4. Dirty Harvey! You are Brilliant!!

  5. That was both incredibly sad and painful to watch, but I'm truly glad it happened...can we focus on reality now, people?

  6. Harvey wasn't imaginary.

    Pookas are invisible.

  7. I go on vacation to a place with no electricity, no cell phone service, and most definitely no WiFi, and what happens in my absence? Oh. More of the same ridiculousness of politics.
    Dirty Harvey... *snort* :)
