Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thematic Photographic - From behind

Carmi at the blog Written, Inc. posts a weekly photo challenge. This week, the theme is "From Behind." Carmi writes: "We've been conditioned to take pictures from the front - think about it, when we pose, we stare straight at the camera - that we've virtually forgotten what goes on on the other side. For the coming week, I hope we'll walk around to the back and see what we can find."

What I've found is as close as my front door. It's always hard to take pictures of Jack when we go on our walks, because he's always out in front!

When we return from our walk, we have a ritual - he sits politely on the first landing of the walk to the house, and I slip his chain collar off his throat. Then he bounds down the walk and up the steps into the house!

Look at him fly!


  1. I love it! btw thanks for recognizing the abultilon.

  2. This theme is just perfect for me today because several of the pictures of my sons on our trip are from behind.

  3. I have the same problem with my dad's dog, Theda. Until we find some creek or something for her to get interested in, then I can a shot from the side.

    Good to see Jack again!

  4. Beautiful. (I followed you here from Carmi's blog). Your walkway makes me want to see around the curve. :)

  5. What a cool from behind shot- ready to roll out for a cool stroll!

  6. Ooh, Jack's bushy tail! :)

    These kinds of shots are the easiest ones to take of my sons, too. They never really learned to smile for the camera.

  7. I always love seeing pics of Jack - from behind or in front :) My dog will NEVER sit or stand still long enough for a shot from the front...

  8. With a lot of dogs you have to catch them unawares. Jack must be at least the third dog we've seen from behind this week but he's in a hurry.

  9. Love Jack's tail! A good "behind" shot - not easy with animals!

  10. I love how dogs just know, how they manage to establish their own comfortable rituals with us, how they intertwine their souls with ours.

    They make our lives whole, and I love how you've reflected Jack's experience in this week's theme.
