Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Thematic photographic - pics taken with a smartphone

Carmi at the blog Written, Inc. posts a weekly photo challenge. This week, instead of posting photos on a theme, he encourages bloggers to post photos taken on a smartphone.

What do thousands of people use their smartphones for? Well, if you go by the example set on Yelp, they take pictures of their food!

Here's a picture of some yummy crostini taken on the patio of a wine bar in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Smartphones can do more than just take photos - this blog post was published using Blogger's I-phone ap!


  1. that does look yummy! What was the topping? Glad I saw this on your blog, I participated too :-)

  2. Mmmm, that looks good. Great choice, gotta go get some lunch now. :)

  3. Looks like cheese with an egg on top. Not good for me - the food I mean.

  4. Please excuse me while I head for the kitchen to grab something to eat. These look delish! I love how photography can make us feel something!

    Great contribution to the theme. I'm so delighted to see so many neat ways of tackling an admittedly unconventional theme.
