Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Tonight, the brakes failed on our neighbor's car down the street. It rolled down the driveway and knocked their propane tank off its foundation. The folks across the street said that clouds of gas billowed out of the stricken tank and filled the air, rolling downhill to their house.

They were evacuated. They are now at our house, having a stiff drink.

The air smells of propane. We can see the Fire Department lights in the darkness. I'll let you know how it turns out.

UPDATE: The incident seems to be over and our neighbors have gone back home.


  1. Oh no! I hope everything gets cleared up!

  2. Ooh! That sounds as though it could have been nasty! So pleased no one was hurt!

  3. A propane party!!

    I haven't seen one of those since the last time I saw Hank Hill on teebee.

  4. That is not the kind of excitement anyone needs. Yikes!

  5. The sacred and the propane.....
