Monday, November 5, 2012

Feeling optimistic

I interviewed for a job transfer today and I feel pretty good about it.

Thinking back on the interview, there were some good moments and I can't really think of any bad ones.

The interview panel says they will complete all the interviews today and make a decision by Friday.

There isn't anything I can do about it now, so tonight I will sleep a good sleep.

Wish me luck. If I get this transfer, I will stay in my organization, keep earning the same pay, and maintain my retirement savings.

Plus, it sounds more and more like a pretty cool job.


  1. Got my fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted!

  2. Good luck! Glad you feel positive about the interview!

  3. My fingers and toes are crossed for you. Good luck!

  4. Loved your last line - that it's sounding more and more like a cool job. You weren't sure about that at all before!
