Saturday, December 6, 2008

Flag Day

Although our house is a one-story house, we live on a hillside, and our basement is a "daylight" basement. A few years ago we remodeled part of our basement into a room for our son, and moved our laundry to another room. There used to be a laundry chute to drop clothes down, but now there's not.

We have some mesh hampers that aren't hard to carry because they're tall and narrow and have a handle.

Still, it's not much fun to haul a hamper full of dirty laundry down these concrete stairs.

I've thought we should rig a pulley from the deck off the kitchen so we can lower and raise the hampers, but of course I've never gotten around to it.

[The Man I Love] is a more creative thinker than I am. This morning, he said, "why don't we just drop them down?" and he lifted them over the railing and dropped them down through the jacaranda branches to the deck below.

They landed OK, with just a little thud. Cool! Great idea! So we loaded up the washer and started our weekend laundry chores.

Only guess what I saw when I went back upstairs? One of [The Man I Love]'s tighty whities got snagged on a branch!


  1. hahahaha! Sounds like something that would happen to me!! Happy Flag Day!! Too bad they weren't pink!! hehehe

  2. Hi!
    Stopped by to see your Pink Saturday and leave a comment. Saw this and had to comment. This is so marvelous a memory. Would make a great scrapbook page! Thanks for sharing.


  3. That is so funny! Serves him right for not rigging the pulley. LOL! Were you able to get them down from the branches or are they stuck up there for all the world to see?

  4. In Hawaii, because home square footage is so costly, the washer and dryer are often kept outside. If you and hubby go toward this step, you could just toss the dirties directly into the machine. Heck, the rainwater would fill half your tub for you by the time you got around to doing the wash, saving on water, too.

  5. Oh my gosh....I am laughing so hard. That's hilarious G.

  6. Oh G
    Maybe hubby should wear a thong LOL
    Claudie from Canada

  7. HA! Could always blame any streaks on the plummet!

  8. What a hoot! That photo is PRICELESS!!!! Maybe you need to install a slide from the upper level to the lower level and shoot the laundry down that way. When you get really bored, you could go down the slide with your dirty clothes! Weeeeeeee!

    Dana :)

  9. Oh G, that is hilarious. I laughed so hard my dh wanted to know what is so funny. Your last photo is a real kicker. Love your new laundry chute. It is perfect with just one little snag!!!


  10. too funny of a coincidence, I was just reading "life, pursuit's" post about boxers vs briefs. hilarious.

  11. Hiddy stopped by to say hello. Great Blog. I needed a laugh then I found your blog and you brought a smile to my face. Thank you!
    Will swing by again. Have a wonderful Sunday

  12. That was too funny- it totally made my day!

  13. Great story - and a beautiful jacaranda tree. Visiting from Carmi's Thematic Photographic
