Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thematic Photographic - Winter

Every Wednesday, Carmi posts the week's theme for Thematic Photographic. For the next seven days, bloggers post photos that echo that theme. This week's theme is: Winter.

Well, here in Southern California, we don't have
snowdrifts or glittering ice or frost on the window. Our winters are mild, even warm. You can go to the beach here in the middle of January. People wear tank-tops and shorts in December. We have palm trees, not snow-swathed boughs.

When our winters are stormy, we get rain, and here in the Santa Monica Mountains, rain runs downhill and carries a lot of things with it. Our winter sights are more like this:

Photo/Damian Dovarganes

This boulder came down on our road and our powerlines during the winter storms of 2006. The Department of Transportation couldn't figure out how to move it. They hired a demolition company to blow it up. It took three tries!


  1. Holy Moly! That is the biggest ball of rock I've ever seen. How long did it take them to clean up all the pieces after they blew it up?

  2. now that's a serious Indiana Jones visual!

  3. Indiana Jones could have moved it. They should have brought him in.

  4. Umm... thanks, I'll stick to our quadrennial snowfall I think. At least that'll melt!

    I don't think I'd care much for what falls during your winters.

    At all.

  5. What a photo! Not everyone has one like that

  6. Holy cow! You would expect Wiley Coyote to pop out from under that rock!

  7. would you like some snow?

  8. I lived in SoCal for 40 years so those are the winters I'm used to. Moved to Montana 6 months ago and it's a whole new ball game! Great pics!

  9. I guess it's good that that wasn't a house, but - holy cow!!!!

  10. That boulder is so significant, it's almost too large for life. Fantastic shot!

  11. Oh my gosh, that is a mighty big boulder! Agreed where is Indiana Jones when you need him?

  12. That is one hell of a boulder!

  13. I'd say that went beyond boulder status and entered the realm of mountain! Wow!

  14. I was just about to say that I was jealous of your winters until I saw the boulder. I love your blog and the pictures of the octopus. Cute story!
