Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thematic Photographic - Winter

Every Wednesday, Carmi posts the week's theme for Thematic Photographic. For the next seven days, bloggers post photos that echo that theme. This week's theme is: Winter.

"There's a certain Slant of light, Winter Afternoons --" - Emily Dickinson

This photo of Seattle's Elliott Bay, with the cranes on Harbor Island was taken as the pale afternoon sun sinks low in the west, in early December, several years ago. The light on the buildings in the foreground is part setting sun, part reflected light from the windows of city high-rises that loom over the bay.


  1. Gorgeous photo. Love the orange contrast. Beautiful.

  2. I'd love to see your winter light in person. Ours is white.

    I've tagged you for photo sharing if you want to play. No obligation, of course.

  3. Beautiful photo!!
    kari & kijsa

  4. All that metal and concrete, that's a surprising page of winter. Nice.

  5. This is a very good depiction of winter. I love it.

  6. I saw the ferry and the orange cranes and blurted out, "That's Seattle!"

    A bit homesick, I am.

  7. I recognized this place right away. I've got a shot of this bay taken from the Space Needle. Seattle's a fun place. They have my type of winter. Check out my pic to get a view of the other side of Washington ;-)
