Monday, May 18, 2009

Cheerful colors

I've been feeling a little down lately, but today walking along Sawtelle Boulevard in West L.A., the sight of this brilliantly colored rose cheered me up.

Sawtelle Boulevard is an interesting part of Los Angeles - it was once a separately governed city, until 1922, when voters agreed to join L.A. - after a turbulent few years when a previous vote for incorporation was challenged in court.

The neighborhood is known as a Japanese-American community - first settled by Issei in the 1920s, and then later by post-war immigrants and those returning from incarceration in camps. It's home to several established plant nurseries, groceries specializing in Japanese foods, and sushi and ramen restaurants. It was known for a while as "Little Osaka." In the 1980s newer immigrants and pop-culture manga-inspired toy stores and fashion outlets came in.

Today, there are several excellent restaurants here. It's worth a visit.

When you walk down the sidewalk on Sawtelle, the air is scented with jasmine because of all the nurseries on the boulevard. This pretty rose is at the Hashimoto Nursery, one of several Japanese nurseries remaining in the 1900 block of Sawtelle.


  1. Does the rose smell as incredible as it looks?

    And isn't it wonderful that colors can brighten our world AND our mood?

  2. Any place that specializes in sushi deserves a mention!

  3. Must be a wonderful place - beautiful view and rich in history :-)

  4. I hadn't even thought about it until right now.

    It seems I have my gastric juices bubbling and must have sushi for lunch now.

    As always, gorgeous pic!

  5. This feeling down thing must be going around! :( I hope it passes soon.

    This is the neighborhood we lived in when we first moved to L.A. We lived there for 2 years. I loved being able to walk to the NuArt movie house. But, I love my trees and greenery in Altadena. :)

  6. I really enjoyed reading this post and the flowers are wonderful!

  7. I love your posts...they are very educational, and are about things I most likely would not have known about otherwise. :)

  8. There's nothing like a walk to turn the mood. Hope you're feeling better.

  9. Isn't that the most gorgeous rose?? I tried to grow it here, but it's a Standard and takes more fussing in this hot/humid than I'm willing to give it. Not to mention poison sprays for the many, many bugs just itching to give it wilt and black spot. So - this picture is worth a thousand bucks spent on rose food, to me! Thanks!

  10. The scent of jasmine is so memorable. I love that scent!
