Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Allaho Akbar

Love/Eshgh by A1one, Iranian calligrapher/graffiti artist

In Iran, the government is cracking down on communication, making it hard for people to get news out of the country, or to communicate with one another inside the country.

One of the most haunting and beautiful things about the uprising is the spontaneous calls made by people from the rooftops of Tehran by night:

In another video also on Huffington Post, a woman speaks. Translated, she is saying: "They can take away our phones, our internet, all our communication, but we are showing by saying Allaho Akbar that we can find each other."

Allaho Akbar means "God is great." People are shouting from their rooftops three times each night - at 10:00, 11:00 and midnight.

You can learn more about the calligrapher who created the extraordinary image that heads this post by going HERE to his blog,


  1. Very interesting; I always learn from you.

    Difficult thing to quell the human spirit that yearns for the freedom to be....

    Sad but inspirational to me.

    Thank you, G.

  2. OMG, this gave me chills. May right prevail. God is great.

  3. That artist/calligrapher is amazing! What a revolution in Iran.
