Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sweet summer

June and July are the months for plums and apricots. Here, at the Wednesday Farmer's Market in Santa Monica, they have baskets full.

How about a delicious apricot tart? This one is sprinkled with pine nuts and has a dash of kirsch added to the fruit.


  1. Oh yum! That looks mahvelous! But what, pray tell, is Kirsch?

  2. Kirsch is a clear, colorless fruit brandy distilled from morello cherries - it's an eau de vie, similar to framboise, poire william, and slivovitz.

    Just a little dash in a dessert made with stone fruit like plums, apricots, peaches or cherries adds a nice taste....!

  3. Having grown up surrounded by apricot orchards it is still hard for me not to view the little orange fruits as weapons, lobbed at the enemy in a game of war. And it is hard not to remember the smoosh of apricot that lay along the path to school - slippy slidey smoosh that would ooze its way between your toes or cause you to slip and land on your butt in yet more smoosh. Or apricot as a vessel to transport a flaming firecraker towards a spot in the road where, with an enormous bang, the vessel and all its sweet orange parts would be blown to smithereens.
    Life and times of a middle class kid in Santa Clara Valley in the 50's.
    I do like apricots but they have to be dolled up for the childhood images to be kept in check. I think that tart might be just the thing.

  4. That is a beautiful dessert! My dh would heartily approve.
