Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Some people!

We took one of the most organized people I know out for drinks one night, to wish her farewell as she went to take a job in another city.

She was late arriving at the bar, of course, because she was finishing up one last email. As she sat down, she took her Blackberry out of her pocket, and put it down on the table.
She had a post-it note stuck on it, with a telephone number. Some people never change.


  1. I'm one of those people and we don't - as much as we'd like to.
    Cute post!

  2. LOL. Eventhough their are gadgets for making notes I too sometimes want to scribble things. But not that :-)


  3. : ) What a fun thing to do; Go out for drinks. I don't drink so I don't really go out after work. It is a nice thing to do though. Maybe I can find a friend to go out with this week :)

  4. Now THAT is funny! (And something I might do, too)

  5. The art of the short and witty post. :)

    This was fun.

  6. So are you saying, Jenn, I should write shorter posts? ;-)

  7. Post-its and me? Like this )(.
