Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring morning

Just up the street, there's a place where some hillside work was recently done this fall, to correct a drainage problem. After it was completed, they sowed the hillside with annual wildflower seeds to hold the soil.

Baby blue eyes, or Nemophila menziesii

This spring, it's in full bloom, and what a pretty sight it is.

Phacelia parryii, with alyssum in the background

Calendulas, sweet alyssum, california poppies, baby blue eyes, lupines and Parry's phacelia tumble down the hill, the honey-like scent of the alyssum perfuming the morning air as the sun warms it.


Being able to see this each morning makes it easier to get out of bed. Aren't we all ready for spring?


  1. It's great that they planted wildflowers. The trend to use non-invasive species in landscaping is a really great one.

    Simply beautiful.

  2. Gorgeous! When I lived in Alhambra ( south of Pasadena) the alyssum grew in our lawn like weeds and smelled like honey all summer long. I miss that!

  3. Beautiful! I just now caught on to the real identity of "Aunt Snow"!!

    We are blessed to have such colorful bounty all around us.

  4. What a great idea to plant wild flower seeds. and they look really wonderful - those blues are fantastic!

  5. \oh my! Those flowers are gorgeous!
