Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thematic Photographic - White

Carmi at Written, Inc., posts a photographic challenge each week called Thematic Photographic - this week's theme is "WHITE." 

During our downtown weekend, I peeked out the hotel room window and we were right beneath the soaring white Library Tower. Shining white in the afternoon sun, the tower is topped with a crown.

This skyscraper is the tallest building in California, built in 1989. Because of its frequent appearance in film and television, it's one of the most recognized buildings in Los Angeles.

Some of those appearances have depicted the building being destroyed, and in fact, according to the 9/11 Commission investigating the attacks ten years ago, the original plans of the terrorists included an attack on this building.

Later that same night, walking back from the festival, we caught this view of the Library Tower, now white with illumination, against the night sky.

UPDATE: A commenter asks whether the tower is part of the Library system. No, it is right across the street from the Los Angeles Public Library. An arson fire in 1989 damaged the Los Angeles Public Library, and to raise money for restoration, the library sold its air rights to developers - who built the tower named the Library Tower. The official name of the tower first became the First Interstate Bank Tower, and is currently the US Bank Tower, but here in LA we all call it the Library Tower.


  1. You’ve captured two amazing shots of this iconic building.

  2. Love that first one, and actually the second one too. Awesome pictures.

  3. Is there really a library there in that tower?

    Glad it wasn't destroyed!

    Yes, I'm back to blogging. Still awaiting home internet, but SOON it will be there and I can add pictures.
    ~Karen (formerly kcinnova)

  4. spokalu, it got the name "library tower" because it's right across the street from the LAPL.

    An arson fire in 1989 damaged the LAPL, and to raise money for restoration, the library sold its air rights to developers - who built the tower now known to all as the Library Tower. The official name of the tower is the US Bank Tower, but here in LA we all call it the Library Tower.

  5. Fascinating building and nice shots :)

  6. I have always loved that building because it busted the plain-jane post-modern architecture mold on such a large scale.

    Love these shots. Maybe I'll get to see it in person, too!
