Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Have a cocktail!

Enjoying negronis with my son  in London at Frank's Cafe
My post below welcoming "The Accidental Chef" jumped the gun a little bit! Although you can - should - visit the link to her blog and read the archived material, which is wonderful, my new friend has closed her blog and started a new one.

We spoke about this at lunch, but I didn't realize the change would happen so soon.

So another addition to the blogroll is "Campari and Sofa: Life after forty. One cocktail at a time."

I'll have a negroni, Claudia!


  1. Thank you! I have been in a fight most of the day with wordpress that, whilst offering many wonderful options, is soooo hard to navigate! I have to ask my counterpart to add your blog for technical issues I won't bother you with...

  2. Looking through her older posts, I can see that the two of you have much in common!
