Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thematic Photographic - At an angle

Carmi at the blog Written, Inc. posts a weekly photo challenge. This week, the theme is "At an angle."

There are so many angles in this photo, which shows sculptor Wendy Taylor's 1973 piece "Timepiece" in London near the River Thames, at St. Katherine's Dock.

This large equinoctial sundial, 3.66 meters across.

The steel round, shaped like a giant washer, is tilted at an angle, supported by welded chains. Like all equinoctial sundials, it is aligned on the same plane as the equator.

Bisecting its center, parallel to the axis of the earth pointing true north is the gnomon - the part that casts its shadow onto the steel face. The gnomon is shaped like a dockyard nail, echoing the industrial heritage of these ancient docks. Beyond, the great right-angled H-shape of the Tower Bridge, and in the sky above a jet contrail makes another angle.


  1. That is very pretty, with the Tower Bridge framing.

  2. What a wonderful shot! And so appropriate as we approach the autumnal equinox ;-)

  3. Gorgeous! And as Magaly said, so appropriate.

  4. You really outdid yourself with the composition of this shot.

  5. Superb shot; you shoukd be proud of that.

  6. BBBB wrote it so very well: your composition is fantastic! I'm sorry to learn that this "Timepiece" was there, in place, when we visited London back in 1996... and I missed it!

  7. That is seriously the nicest sundial I've ever seen. And the context doesn't get any better than this. You take the best shots from your travels.
