Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tell it!

 You go! What a great speech. Thank you!


  1. Those biceps could crack my head open. I like that.

  2. She's amazing. (He's pretty awesome, too!)

  3. Much more positivity in this convention :-) And Deval was great! I am surprised that anyone from MA would vote for Romney, because he did such a crappy job when he was governor here.

  4. Let the salivating begin...err, continue.

  5. Such a strong, powerful, woman! Such a great role model for her daughters. I think anonymous is just jealous :-)

  6. I'm envious of these other commenters(and you, too, Aunt Snow!) who have had the opportunity to hear her speech. My husband doesn't want to hear anything from either convention, so I have to find a time and place to listen/read without bothering him. [side note: I don't blame him for not wanting to hear rhetoric from either side -- but I do want to hear her speech!]

    Isn't it just like an internet troll to comment anonymously so he/she doesn't have to stand behind an opinion?

  7. She gave an amazing speech and she looked beautiful. No boring, sedate beiges for her!

  8. Not having a T.V., I didn't see her delivering her awesome speech. She really looks attractive, and that dress suits her well.

    She's a class act, and she can be both funny and poignant at the same time.

  9. I love how much more positive this convention has been. Far less doom and gloom and "America ain't what it used to be." I noticed that last month when the President spoke here in my town -- all of the speakers were positive, uplifting, and inspirational.

  10. They will be positive, uplifting and inspirational all day long as they lead us down the road to Socialism.
    Might as well brush up on your French now, Madame.

  11. Ha, ha, ha! Love it Mrs. G!
