Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thematic photographic - weathered and worn

 Carmi at the blog Written, Inc. posts a weekly photo challenge. This week, the theme is "Weathered and Worn."

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Well, "weathered and worn" could be a description of anything in Venice, Italy.   But I like, in particular, this house with its ogee gothic windows, and its weathered, worn plaster. This house is in the sestiere Castello, near the Campo di Santa Maria Formosa.


  1. Very nice...Did you forget to put your blog on the thread?

  2. Oh, oh, oh, I have to go to Venice someday. This makes me want a spritz right now.

    It was so great to see you yesterday!

  3. Very kind, Thunder. I think I forgot to hit the "publish" button when I posted!

  4. Gorgeous colours! And great shot! And I wanna go too!

  5. Wow! Even with half-missing plaster, it grabs the eye and doesn't let go.

    I often wonder if those who built these places knew they'd still be around hundreds of years later.
