Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pink Saturday - Buff Monster

Pink Saturday - Beverly, at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire you.

You can find pink things everywhere you look. On a narrow street in the Oakwood neighborhood of Venice, I brought my car to a halt in front of this incredible mural on a plain concrete wall.

A little graffiti mars it now - street art being vulnerable to change and alteration. But the pinkness of it jumps right out at you from the dreary concrete wall. And even the fire hydrant is pink!

The artist is named Buff Monster, and this painting is dated 2008. Buff Monster is a fan of the color pink. On his website, it explains: "The color pink, as a symbol of confidence, individuality and happiness, is present in everything he creates."

Buff Monster cites the major influences on his artwork, which include heavy metal music, Japanese culture and - best of all - ice cream.

His work is exhibited at galleries, but he also creates items that you can collect, including vinyl toys, T-shirts, posters, and prints. Get them while they're available, though, because they are limited editions. I adore these ice cream toys (go to link and scroll down to the fifth item), but they are sold out.

Hats and T-shirts are still available. The hats are the perfect pink-lover's gift!

If you like Buff Monster's pink art, but your pockets are empty, you can download his wallpaper for free. I liked the cherries:

Go visit Buff Monster and meet a fellow fan of the color pink!

You can get an eyeful of his pink mural if you cruise by the intersection of Hampton and Indiana Streets in the Oakwood neighborhood in Venice, California.


Gary's third pottery blog said...


Vylat said...

Hi Glennis, Wow, that pink mural is a work of art! No wonder it stopped you in your tracks. Street art can be beautiful. Love your choice for Pink Saturday. Drop by mine--huggable trees.

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Huge of fan of mural painting and this one is fantastic!

~ Gabriela ~

SmilingSally said...

Thank you for sharing. Happy Pink Day!


How nifty to be able to capture his work before it gets painted over!

Fifi Flowers said...

Nice pink mural! Happy Pink Saturday! ENJOY! Fifi

My name is Riet said...

Happy pink Saturday. I love the murals. Merry Christmas and thank you for stopping by

gbloom studio said...

I love Venice! It's bet years since I've been there. I used to go all the time. Great photo, what a treat to find that wall painting! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Glennis, your Buff Monster pink is all so interesting. I have never heard of him and now I will have to look him up. A great pink post to share today.


Deb said...

I love mural paintings and this one in Venice is fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Hi G! I love all the fabulous things you find in our L.A. neighborhoods!! I would have put the brakes on for this one too :0)

Anonymous said...

That mural is so cool! What a great thing to stumble upon while driving down the street!

Betty said...

Wow! I have to go look at his website. That is an awesome mural!
Happy Pink Saturday!

suesueb said...

wow! that's really something to see-thanks for sharing with us. got to go check out his site. that's funny too, that he has a website. happy pink saturday!

Anonymous said...


You are lucky to live close to such a wonderful piece of art. I will make sure to check out Buff Monster's website.


Anonymous said...

Now that is an eye-catcher. I would love stopping to see it. What a talent.

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Holidays, Glennis.

Unknown said...

Very Interesting Indeed!!! Very pink and unique..I think I like that!
Happy Pink...Lorena

Ellen said...

Seasons that mural is totally awesome. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas. :)EllenL

KatCollects said...

I love that mural, so pretty. Happy belated pink Saturday. Wishing you a beautiful Christmas.

I am a Tornado ~ proven fact! said...

Never been to Venice ... my next trip to the west coast I want to stop by ... I've believe Venice is loaded with murials like this one. Pink Rocks!

Woman in a Window said...

My daughter and I were just discussing the difference between a mural and graffiti. A fine line. Permission is that line.