Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pink cupcakes

Oooh! Who brought the cupcakes?

It's a workplace celebration, a farewell to colleagues who are moving on, making changes, and taking on new lives.

Surprisingly, it's not the ladies who bring the cupcakes. It's the only guy on staff - courtesy his wonderful generous baking wife. Isn't he a sweet guy?

These are chocolate cupcakes with strawberry frosting - made with real fresh strawberries. Delectable!

Better grab one fast!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

...strawberry frosting - made with real fresh strawberries.

Wow! That does sound great. Is this for the beach crew endless summer has ended party?

Anonymous said...

They look beautiful, and I am thrilled to read that the frosting was made with real fresh strawberries. It's always nice when image and reality match!

I've missed Pink Saturday. Actually, I've missed a lot. It's been a busy week, and pre-scheduled posts are the only reason it's looked like I've been around.

shrink on the couch said...

ooooh! I'd like to sink my teeth into that pink!

CaShThoMa said...

My mouth is watering. I want my cupcake!!! Now, please.

These look awesomely good. I hope you got one (or 2 or 3)!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Those are gorgeous. I recently got one of those cupcake totes myself--and I wonder how I lived without it all these years!