This Saturday, taking a suggestion from Smalltownmom, I went to the Farmers Market in Calabasas, and looked for peaches. I was knocked out by these - huge yellow peaches the size of baseballs. They were soft and yielding to the touch, and smelled wonderful. I knew I had to use them right away.
This time, I used a recipe for Double Crust Peach Pie from Ken Haedrich's book "Pie: 300 Tried and True Recipes for Delicious Homemade Pie." It's a traditional American-style peach pie.
Saturday night I made the dough, using his Flaky Pie Dough recipe. It uses half butter and half shortening (I used Crisco butter-flavored, in sticks), with a proportion of 3 to one - that is, three cups flour to one cup fat. The recipe used a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt.
I used the food processor, cutting the fat into the flour in the workbowl with short pulses of the blade.

I flattened the dough into thick discs and wrapped them in plastic and put them in the fridge. Right away I noticed they didn't hold together well, so I double-wrapped the plastic.

The next morning, I took one of the dough discs out of the fridge. I used my Silpat mat on the cutting board, dusting it with a little flour, and used a sheet of parchment paper between the dough and the rolling pin.

Right away I started to have trouble with this dough. It was so crumbly! It couldn't seem to hold together, cracking with every roll! First I thought it was still too cold from the fridge, so I let it rest a bit - and it's true that it improved as it warmed.
But I just got the feeling that there didn't seem to be enough fat to flour. The French recipes had a proportion more like 2 to one - 2 cups flour to one cup butter. Or maybe the trouble was that using the processor cut the fat to finely to allow it to bind with the flour.
As I rolled it out, I broke little bits of dough from the edges and placed them over the cracks, pressing them down, and then rolling over them again. Finally, I had a sheet of dough - crumbly and fragile, but intact.

All told I used six of these large peaches. I stirred in a cup of sugar and three tablespoons of cornstarch. The recipe called for making vanilla sugar by steeping a vanilla bean in the sugar - I didn't have any beans but I did have some good vanilla extract, so I put a teaspoon in.
The peaches threw off a lot of juice, which seemed too liquid for a pie. I used a slotted spoon to get the fruit into the pie shell and hold back the liquid.
Then I rolled out the top crust. Learning from my earlier experience, I let the dough warm a bit before rolling it. It still cracked, but I patched the cracks as before. It was tricky getting the top crust onto the pie intact, but I managed. I sprinkled a bit of sugar onto the top crust, cut some vents for steam, and then put it in the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. I put a cookie sheet on the rack below to catch the bubbling juices.

The crust was very crumbly, but tasted pretty good. The foil pie-pan was a pain - it flexed when I moved it and lifted it out of the oven, which made the crust crack even more than it was already inclined to do.
I'm not there yet with the crust - I think I have to keep trying. Maybe go back to doing it by hand, to avoid pulverizing the fat too small? With a less fragile, more supple crust, I think I could have used even more fruit, mounding it in the center to make a taller silhouette.

Mmmmm, good! I missed our farmer's market last week, so Frank had to use grocery store peaches in his pie...I blanched them for him...he's not up to that cooking technique, yet. He's made yet another pie, which I will blog about before too long.
There's a pie crust recipe on Pioneer Woman Cooks which uses vinegar. Ever heard of that before?
Looks good - and I bet it tasted good!
Once rationing had ended after the war I was always taught half the amount of fat to the amount of flour. This was by weight, I'm not too sure how it would work in cups. I use cups a lot but not for pastry!
My mother used to make rough puff pastry for fruit pies. Rub one quarter of the total amount of fat into the flour, mix it into a dough ball with water, and then roll it out in a rough ractangle, dot one third of the remaining butter (or fat) onto the pastry, fold into three, give it a half turn (90 degrees) roll out, dab half of the remaining butter, do i all again, and finally let it rest a bit, then roll gently to fit pie dish. Halve it first ot avoid too much rolling on the bit that will be the top.
Wet the edge of the bottom pie rust, then fix top on it, and trim round the edge.
Here endeth a not very scientific recipe!!
Oh yum. Do your neighbors know how lucky they are?
Of all my many baking failures my pie crust is the WORST! Yours, however, looks great!
That pie looks delicious!
I admit, I'm letting you do the research on the perfect pie crust while I continue to use my old standard. It isn't the awesome crust I would like to have, although it is pretty forgiving. I look forward to the post when you share the perfect crust recipe!
I have always used a hand-held pastry cutter and am very happy with the results.
Awesome post, artist-formerly-known-as-g! I read somewhere (probably here, but my brain's been broiled-101 F. here) that one can pulverize vanilla wafers and put them on the bottom crust to absorb excess juice from fruit fillings.
Your pie looks so good. My husband loves peaches and would gobble down your pie. We are a bit away from peach season here but we look forward to it with great anticipation. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
We teach a simple 3:2:1 pie crust recipe at my school- three parts pastry flour (half cake, half all purpose), two parts fat (I use all butter, which can be tricky- you can use half butter and half shortening), one part water, plus a teaspoon of salt per pound of dough (I also sometimes add a bit of sugar, 2-3T.) We calculate how much dough we need by figuring 1oz. dough per inch of pie pan. 9" pie plate = 9oz. dough, double that for double-crusted pies.
We do it by weight, which isn't always convenient for home cooks, I guess.
I say do it by hand until you perfect it- then you'll have a better feel for it when you do it in the processor.
I'm not a peach pie eater...but get me some homemade ice cream and I could eat that whole thing. Looks amazing!
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