Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Thematic photographic - Technological

Carmi at the blog "Written, Inc." hosts a photographic get-together, based on a weekly theme. This week's theme is "Technological."  Carmi says the theme, "celebrates all that is techie. If it looks like, feels like or even suggests some form of technology, we hope you'll share it."

This is a backstage look at a law enforcement mobile command post vehicle.

Don't let the casual dress of the men operating the unit fool you - it's a highly sophisticated technological marvel, used to coordinate communication and response during law enforcement operations.  I had a rare chance to be on the scene with my camera, and got to take a look at it in operation. Pretty impressive!


21 Wits said...

Lucky you, that must have been one exciting conversation with them too!

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

And they let you take photographs! Very cool.

Gilly said...

And do they always catch their man?? Impressive lot of technology there!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Somebody get some of those to Malaysia!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I love the soda bottle on top of all that expensive equipment!

Bob Scotney said...

Just what laws are they enforcing - looks ominous to me. But then the only law enforcement we see are traffic cops or the police helicopter overhead.