He's been working his way through the Steven Raichlen book "How to Grill - The Complete Illustrated Book of Barbecue Techniques." And he told me about the Pink Smoke Ring.

Backyard chefs and barbecue lovers look for the pink smoke ring to show that the meat was actually slow-smoked instead of boiled or steamed.

This pinkness also appears in Chinese barbecued pork, char siu, roasted over a wood-burning oven, and Indian tandoori chicken, roasted in a clay oven.

I ordered a couple of dinners to go, baby back ribs with two sides. While I waited I asked the man at the smoker if I could take a picture of the beef ribs he was smoking on the fire. He agreed, and then he said, "These are without the sauce, just the smoked meat. Wait a second, I'll get you a taste." He went into the restaurant and came out with a sharp knife, then tonged one slab onto the side, and cut off a generous rib. He wrapped it up in a piece of foil and tucked it into my to-go bag. Then he said, "My name is Narciso - just come here around this time each week. I'll be out here and you can get them fresh."
I thanked him, and drove home with my dinners - the smell made my mouth water all the way home!
Here's our dinner and one of the pork ribs. Can you see the pinkness?

Here's a great website that explains the Pink Smoke Ring - and other essential things about barbecue.
Now you made me hungry. Looks totally yummy and what a cute place.
Happy Pink Saturday,
Wow, you have sooo made me want some ribs. I order them alot but they are not cooked like that. Your hubby came up with the best ever idea for showing pink. He had the idea, but your post carried it through. Good job.
Hi G - You are right on the mark. That slowly smoked meat is the ONLY "pink" I like in my meat. I'm not a "rare" person but when it's cooked that way it's just perfect! By the way...I love that picture of you with the paper umbrella. :)Nancy
Oh! Yum, yum, yum! That's the best pink I've seen today!
You making me hungry oohh love ribs! Denise
It's a good thing that I've eaten lunch. I've giving away 3 free books, so be sure to stop by. Happy Pink Saturday!
g! What a fabulous pink saturday post. My husband really likes that cookbook too! guess what we have pork ribs cooking right now...
That is pretty interesting and the food looked wonderful!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I really do feel hungry now - those ribs look soooo yummy mmmm
Happy Pink Saturday - don't eat them all at once !!
How wonderful that your husband was able to help you out with such a unique Pink Saturday post. Those ribs look scrumptious and now I'm hungry!!
Happy Pink Saturday..
What a great post, showing the manly side of pink. That sounds funny though doesn't it? Happy Pink Saturday!
Yuuuuuummy! Great "pink" post! Love it! Have a nice weekend! Vanessa
Now Glennis. It's 5:30 in the afternoon, and you have made me want some ribs. And, I don't think I can find any that look that good.
Happy Pink Saturday. I'll go dream of ribs. ;-)
They look yummy, i'm sure you enjoyed them.
See ya next sat.
Man oh man...You just never know what you'll find on pink Saturdays. What a fabulous post. Good thing I just finished dinner. :) We have a little hole in the wall place like that out here that makes the best B.B.Q. in the world. And at Thanksgiving I get him to do a fried turkey for me.
MMMMMMM! Yummy! Great pink post. Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Bobbi Jo-AZ
Now I'm hungry. Guess I better go out for ribs tomorrow.
Have a fun pink weekend.
Cori G.
This was very informative : ) Boy, oh boy, do those ribs look delicious. It's only 5 am, but I am definitely thinking ribs are going to be what's for dinner tonight!
That looks completely delicious. And I always thought the pink ring meant it wasn't cooked all the way through. Glad to clear that up.
Aaahh, now I am SO hungry. And, it's those yummy looking ribs that I want!!! Thanks for sharing that website, I will go have a look!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi! wow! what a yummy barbacue! in my country its name is asado, we have the best meat in the world;)ha! yes! you are invite to eat asado in my house!
beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!
kiss from Argentina
Now I am hungry. Your pictures look so good. I like my meat a little pinky too.
Happy Pink Saturday,
Love, Ann
What a great Pink Post! How educational----how HUNGRY I am now!! Not fair!! Now, all I will think about are some tender, pink ribs dripping with sauce! It'll keep me awake all night!! Are you HAPPY?????? :) great post, Dana
Yummy, I haven't had those in forever. Happy Late Pink Saturday.
Its always great to get them to cook, huh? Looks like he has some great recipes going.
Girl, you're killing me. It isn;t 9 am and I am craving me some 'que!!!
Wow, Looks totally yummy!
Happy belated Pink Saturday!
Blessings, Virginia
Oooh yah... now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! Mmm, nice and smokey!
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