Mrs. G invites us to share a typical day. Well, to be honest, as I examined my typical day, I became increasing disappointed. My life is really boring! How could anyone be interested in that? But, since she insisted, here it is.......

I arise from my luxurious bed and descend the staircase in my restored 18th century townhouse.

Ah...beignets and cafe au lait served in the courtyard. What shall I do today?

A morning swim, perhaps


A trip to a museum or gallery

Followed by lunch in a quiet yet romantic spot

I call my secret boyfriend

For a torrid assignation at an elegant, discreet hotel. I dial his number and hear the phone ring.....

Oh, that's the alarm! Dammit, I overslept!

I always wake up sometime between 6:00 and 7:00 o'clock in the morning, and I need a cup of coffee. Even on weekends. I can't help it - it's my body clock.

A couple years ago we got this fancy coffee-maker that grinds the beans fresh. The coffee is wonderful. Cleaning and filling the damn thing each morning is a pain in the ass.

So I usually take yesterday's leftover coffee and do this.
[The Man I Love] is horrified by this habit, and always makes a pot of fresh coffee when he gets up. But by that time I'm in the shower, or dressing for work, and ready to jump in the car. Which is why there's always leftover coffee the next morning that I hate to throw out, so I nuke it.

One of the nice things about living in a scenic part of Los Angeles is that you have something nice to look at during the morning commute to work. And plenty of time to look at it.

Here's one clue about how exciting my job is. I happen to have encyclopedic knowledge about how one of these things works.

I spend a lot of time using things like this

To count things like these

Lunch? I often eat at my desk.
I call
[The Man I Love] to confer on what's for dinner. And we plan a torrid assignation at

The most romantic place we know.
Haha -- I laughed so hard at the opening then the clock. Great post! I really enjoyed the pictures and sharing your day -- thanks!
Oh how I love that pool. I wish I could afford to live there and be neighbors with Johnny.
But, hey, your deck looks nice, too.
I love your fantasy AND your real life!!
I used to microwave coffee too until our it broke and it had to made each time....of course, my hub won't drink MY coffee..oh well...more for me!!
My dream is to live with a nice deck, close to the ocean...someday...!!
have a great monday...and thanks for stopping by!
No way will my eye boogies let me wake up that early. :o)
I love the picture of the traffic behind you.
I love this day, well, except for the traffic.
So let me get this straight, you have to make your own breakfast AND no morning swim? I think I just cried a tear....
I like your dream life, but your real life seems pretty excellent too. Lovely picture of you and your sweetie.
You are a funny lady. I enjoyed your dream. I noticed Confederacy of Dunces on your table. Great book!
I think your real life is way better than the dream and your real guy looks sweeter than the secret boyfriend.
Eewwwww. I'm with [The Man You Love] on the nuking of day old coffee. Would it be easier to throw it out the night before?
Love your view on the way to work!
Thanks for sharing your day.
Loved this post! It's all a bit telling when we examine our day isn't it. But to me this is exciting seeing the daily lives of people all over the world.
Love the traffic shot in LA. It's one thing to hear about it. Another thing to see it!
Loved the dreamy introduction and the reality was pretty great too. I sometimes microwave coffee. It's not that bad!
Loved the 'dream' sequence. Thanks for sharing your day. It's a good life.
Love it! And thanks for your comment today, I appreciate it!
I was so envious of the lovely staircase and foyer light fixture! Great dream sequence!!
My dh often nukes his coffee, if I leave him any for the next day. Nothing wrong with that!
Your deck is wonderful, and having someone you love to share it with is priceless. :)
I'm with bee- 6:40 a.m. doesn't even exist in my world.
And, think of it this way- biegnets every day would just make you feel fat, and the hot imaginary boyfriend is probably not into girls. Well, that's what I like to think anyways, since I can't have him either.
So glad to meet you and see your day! Thanks for visiting my blog! Is that your back deck?
Very nice take on the assignment. Clever girl!
I too am in love with your "lives" -- real and imagined. What a fun day!
Hey Glennis,
Too funny! Thanks for bringing a big smiley face after having a good laugh:)
Your day was if from heaven, and.. that story of your secret boy friend was amazing part;)
I cannot wait the time when you will go to share such a dreamy day with us, hope soon please Glennis?
I didn't catch on until the pool, I am sorry to say. The rear-view mirror shot is excellent. My hubby and I both had a hearty laugh at your dream-life/real-life contrast....especially the coffee in the microwave...darling couple!
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