The Goodwill drop-off station is in the Valley, in a funny vacant lot in the midst of the shopping malls. In past years, a Halloween haunted house has been contructed here; at other times it has been fenced off and deserted.
Today we pulled in near the Goodwill trailer, and we saw something different.The fence to the lot behind the Goodwill trailer was open, and there it was - the Big Top.

They were on a two-week stand. Tomorrow was the last day. The next show today was at 4:30.
"Can we go to the circus?" I asked [The Man I Love] when I rejoined him at the Goodwill trailer.
Because [The Man I Love] loves me, he agreed. We did our errands, and came back to the lot at 4:10 and bought tickets.

It was a kick to be back at the circus again. In 1978, I worked for the Big Apple Circus, which held its second season in a tent just like this one, in a parking lot on 8th Avenue at 50th Street.

Circus Vargas's show includes a trampoline act, a juggling act, and a dare-devil motor-bike act. There's a clown, and a snake-handling act.
If you go to a circus, you can tell a lot about what will be in the show by looking up at the rigging. All the apparatus is hung above. The trapeze act's equipment is obvious, but even some floor-based acts have equipment that is stored in the air, so that it can be lowered in the dark for the roustabouts to set up quickly. I could see a ring for an aerial act, and also that there would be a "Spanish web" act.

Circus Vargas used a variation on the canvas-covered rope, a double length of silk fabric the aerialists twined about them, forming ever-changing harnesses and baskets to hold them in the air.
It looks spectacular, but it's actually pretty easy to do simple "web" tricks. This one was pretty good, though.

There are two animal acts - one with a horse, and a Dog Act. And cats.
Now, to circus folks, a Cat Act is what you call any act with tigers, lions, or other big cats. What was unusual about this act was that it was a Dog Act with cats. House cats.
After The Big Apple, when I went on to Ringling's Monte Carlo Unit, that show had a tiger act. If you work for a show with a cat act, you get used to the smell of tiger pee.
Tigers can shoot pee some ten or twenty feet. You don't want to get hit by a hot stream of tiger pee. Circus folks know to move out of the way when they see those tails rise up!
So when the beautiful, fluffy white house-cat, trained to leap over a small black dog, turned his backside to our section of seats, and lifted his tail, I got a little frisson of that feeling. But of course it passed. House cats are way different than tigers.
Tigers are easier to train.
The audience applauded enthusiastically at everything. Children were enthralled with entertainment like this, so different from television or movies. Little girls watched the aerialist spinning on her ring in the air as if she were magic. Some of the performers were even little girls - which made it all more magic to know that kids could do this, too!
But there we were, two grownups. I'd like to say we enjoyed the rest of the show, but as it turned out, we didn't stay for the second act, even though it featured the Flying Tabares family's trapeze act. The evening was growing colder and colder, and we hadn't brought jackets - having left the house just to run errands. We were freezing!

Like my reaction to seeing that cat raise its tail, I couldn't help having that wary feeling. The lights, the smells, the sounds put me back on the job.
When the lights went up for Intermission, the roustabouts started hoisting the safety net for the Trap Act. I caught myself checking out what knot one of the riggers was using to tie off his line.
Can you ever leave show business behind?

Very cool, indeed. What fun, especially when it was so spontaneous a decision to go to the circus! I loved reading your "insider" commentary too.
Have you read the book "Like Water for Elephants"? I thought it was a fascinating tale of circuses during the Great Depression era.
I just found your blog, and spent most of yesterday afternoon scrolling back and back and back, finding myself ever more enthralled by your descriptions of the sights and scents (and tastes!) of the southern California where you live.
I don't have a blog myself (maybe someday soon), but keep a sporadic journal at livejournal and a constant one on my own laptop. I also write and share at womenwriting.org, here in Southern Ohio.
I'll be back!
Did you work with Anna May and Buckles? Feel free to join the Circus Open for Circus Arts group on Vox.com!
I love the idea of a Dog and House Cat Act...I have a few clowns of both species around here who love to work for treats. Maybe we can put on a show...I already feel my life is a circus anyway.
I can't imagine getting hit with tiger pee, though. Shudder...house cat pee is bad enough!
Sorry girl,I've tagged you.But if you want to wait until after Christmas,feel free...Ann
Love this.
I just love that close to the ground kind of circus. What luck that you found it.
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