"Oh, no," she said. "This is something I've had for a while, and I just found it again. You might say I went shopping in my closet."
I think she's on to something! For all the clothes I own, it always seems like I only wear about a dozen pieces, rotating them regularly for work. So I got to thinking, in preparation for this Pink Saturday. What if I went shopping for pink things to share - in my own closet!
There's a rolling rack in the spare bedroom. It's supposed to be where we do the ironing, and there are baskets to put clothes that need mending, or the hamper to take to the dry cleaner. But the rolling rack is full of clothes I don't wear anymore.

And here's some pink things! A rose-print dress that needs altering -

A cute bandanna-print skirt I wore two summers ago (it's a little tight in the waist now.)

I have lots of bins in the spare room's closet. There's a bin full of fabric remnants - there's a lot of pink things in there.

In another bin, I found a pretty magenta purse, and some silk scarves that belonged to my mother.

Shopping in your closet - A cost-effective approach in these tough economical times! And very lucrative - for Pink Saturday!
Loved all your pink finds in your closet. Happy PS
Happy Pink Saturday!
Shopping in our closets is so fun as we always can find again precious "new" pieces!
~ Gabriela ~
Thanks for sharing. We're sharing peanut butter ideas and Elvis stories at diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com. I hope you will come join us. Or, join us for Crock Pot Wednesdays. Mister Linky will be ready for that on Tuesday.
How totally lovely! Thanks so much for sharing this week. Raining here...again...so I needed a little bit of cheer! Pink Saturday always makes me smile, even if the sky is gray.
Have a wonderful weekend with those you l♥ve.
How fun! Just goes to show how much treasure you're apt to find when go searching through the closets. Love it! Yes, by all means, wear them!
While I love all the items you've assembled for us, that purse is unmistakenly pink. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
You certainly are being thrifty these days. I need something to wear to a wedding tonight. Maybe I need to go shopping in my own closet. Or maybe I'll just wear what I wore to the last wedding, which was in a different city.
Well, ya got my attention with all the pink stuff, sugar!! Darling. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Glennis, I love this post. I think you should dare to wear the top, and definitely all three of the pairs of shoes.
You will be a hot, pink babe. ;-)
Happy Pink Saturday.
What a rewarding day of "shopping."
What a fun closet you have!! Love all those pinks!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Everything old is new again! Happy Pink Saturday!
I love your pink things! And I especially love the scarves from your Mama! So pretty : )
Go ahead and wear the Betsey Johnson shirt : ) That is too cool!
Happy Pink Saturday! Always fun to shop in our very own closets.
Love this! Shopping in your own closet :-) Fun and Free.
I like the flats (suede?) with flowers on the inside - so cute.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi G, I loved your at 'home closet shopping trip.' A very fun shopping trip for sure. I definitely think you should find something pink to wear with the d'orsay shoes. Oh yeah, go for the pink!!! I so need to go shopping in 'my' closet. Love the idea.
Thank you for enjoying the castle posts. I struggled with so many photos to share. Your sweet comment is my reward for all the time it took to do those posts. BIG smile here.
"a little tight in the waist now" .. hmm, where have I heard that before? oh yeah, MY closet.
Hi G! Definitely go for that BJ top...it's too cute to be stuck in a closet! Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo Nancy
Isn't it amazing how much pink we have when we just look around.
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