A major designer is thinking about launching tailor-made outfits made of old book-bindings done in calf....Fish bones are being worn a lot on hats. One often sees delicious young girls dressed like pilgrims of Saint James of Compostella; their outfits, as is fitting, are studded with coquilles Saint-Jacques.

They're doing shoes in Venetian glass and hats in Bacarrat crystal....I forgot to tell you that last Wednesday I saw on the boulevards on an old dowager dressed in mirrors stuck to fabric. The effect was sumptuous in the sunlight. You'd have thought it was a gold mine out for a walk.

- Guillaume Appollinaire, Le poete assassine, 1916
I have to admit that I love the way that the last pair of shoes look, though I could never really wear them, whether in glass or traditional materials.
Interesting photos!
That yellow (etc.) jacket is pretty stylin'.
Well that was fun. I've had some pretty strange things in my day!
Those are fun fashions! But I can't quite see them going down well in our rather wet old mill town in the north west of the UK!!
And you, being a fashionista, presumably wear a fish skeleton on your hat?
Oh Gosh, I sooo love the heels with the crystals!! I would love to have some of those!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and visiting and leaving such kind comments. Please stop by often!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I miss the westside wildness of wardrobe. Pretty everyday in Pasadena. :)
It has been blown wide open
and made by every kind of mind.
Appolonaire...i am just learning of him.
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