Each week Carmi at Written, Inc. has challenged readers with a theme for photographic inspiration. This week the photographic challenge continues with the theme WHITE.

I am aware of the seasons passing, and writing a blog marks the occasion better than any journal or garden calendar. Last January, I posted about these modest white flowers, some of the earliest of the little spring bulbs to bloom.

These are Leucojum vernum, the Spring Snowflakes. They are, of course, white. Delicate, nodding, bell-shaped white blossoms, with curious green dots at the end of each petal.

This year they began blooming on January 13th. I was lucky to have captured their delicate white-and-green delicate bells before the week of rains that will descend upon us for the next week.
Oh...to see flowers again this soon...I'd love that. I just keep buying tulips for the kitchen counter. Your photos are beautiful.
Such lovely photos!
... ah, how I wish we had flowers blooming ... sigh ...
Our ground was covered in frost this morning. With the exception of snow, that is the first time our humidity level has been high enough this winter to produce frost! (It most certainly has been cold enough, but even on 13 degree mornings, we were frost-free.)
Beautiful. Although it would be even better if the flowers were photographed in the snow. Now THAT would be very whitely appropriate.
These remind me of snowdrops.
I love these images. White is such a pretty thing to photograph!
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