Abstract? Everyone's heard the word, but what does it really mean? And how does it translate into a photo?

ABSTRACT is defined in the dictionary as:
- not concrete: not relating to concrete objects but expressing something that can only be appreciated intellectually
- theoretical: based on general principles or theories rather than on specific instances
- nonrepresentational: not aiming to depict an object but composed with the focus on internal structure and form
Hmmmm. OK. Well, my photo for this week's theme was shot in a blur through the doorway of a piƱata shop in Los Angeles' Toy District, catching the streamers, banners and ribbons hanging from the ceiling.
How's that for "abstract"?
I am glad I wasnt the only one who looked it up too!
definitely abstract!!
frosted links
I would never have been able to guess what it was...it really made a beautiful shot!
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