Dress - I've decided to wear a LBD, or "Little Black Dress." It's what I have, it fits, it's flattering, and this awards show is not the Big Formal One where you have to wear a gown. It's simple, princess-cut, and I will feel comfortable and confident in it.
Make-up - bought a new lipstick, fresh blush. I have some good foundation and powder and some good eye makeup.
Hair - a wing and a prayer, folks. I've had a cut and color a couple weeks ago, I'll just have to figure out how to blow it dry without tangling the round brush in it.
Bag - I have a cheap little black satin evening bag that will work out fine.
Logistics - we were worried about the logistics of driving to the venue, getting the parking pass - apparently, you have to get a pass just to drive into the area, in advance. You still have to pay for parking. What a pain!! So that smart [Man I Love] decided to book us a room in the hotel next to the venue. We will stay there the night before, and simply walk over! Clever man!
Wrap - I have a black and grey Indian paisley pashmina if the weather is cold, and a black chiffon scarf if the weather is warm.
Jewelry - Lots of choices. Sparkly marcasite dangly earrings, classic (fake) pearls, vintage French jet, or geometric Mexican silver.
Shoes - OK. Here's where I need your help choosing. Here's what I tried on:

1) A strappy satin sandal with a rhinestone buckle. Good heel height, a little more than 2". Cute. Dressy. Not much support. Will I ever wear it again? Probably not very much. Way affordable.

2) A sparkly fabric D'orsay peep-toe slingback with a rhinestone buckle. Also a good heel height. More support than the sandal, due to the side panel. Cute, but actually the front strap binds a little across my toe. Flattering, but maybe a little old-ladyish. Will I ever wear it again? Probably not, unless I'm the Mother of the Groom. Affordable, but more than #1.

4) Oddball choice - The salesperson suggested this. Black leather slingback peep-toe pump, with black patent accents. 2 1/4" heel. Has Nike-air inserts in the sole. EXTREMELY comfortable - like a glove! Not conventionally dressy, but elegant, due to the patent. Flattering. Requires a different approach to jewelry. Will I ever wear it again? Absolutely! At high-profile work days and at special occasions. Expensive.
Weigh in, ladies (and gentlemen). What would you pick?
I'm envious that you have found 4 pairs that fit to choose from. I have feet that don't fit into pretty shoes, so they all look delightful to me.
I do like #2, but I would call it retro instead of old ladyish!
I say go for comfort. You know you'll wear those shoes again at other times and I can imagine you'll come up with some interesting jewelry for a real wow factor.
Comfort + Confident = Win!
First pair. Perfect heel, right amount of dressy. The last pair is awesome, but I don't think they go so well with LBDs.
You can never go wrong with a simple or any other kind of black dress, really...just be sure your shoes are comfortable..and the best ones that make you walk with full grace! ..then enter the place beaming with style! You are gonna have fun ...and take what photos you can! ;)
#4. Why? Able to repeat unique silver buckle with your LBD. aA silver buckle clasp with a scarf moves into high fashion. Or a silver buckle hair accent. Stay away from the waist silver buckle. Be adventurous.
I have feet that don't fit into pretty shoes, so they all look delightful to me.
My feet don't fit into pretty shoes, either.
#1 is pretty, but #4 is very elegant, and would be a Really Useful Buy!!
I can't wear pretty shoes like those, she says wistfully! But I hope you have a really great time!
You MUST get #4.
I demand a review. Going with comfort is priority; but having the shoes super cute is a bonus.
Can't wait to hear what you wore.
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