Sunday, May 1, 2016

Darkness at Noon

Right now a fierce thunderstorm is rolling in, the world outside our front door is as dark as twilight, here just before noon. So much for Jazz Fest.

Yesterday a similar storm kept me in the house from sometime around 1:00 pm till nearly 6:00, but it didn't have as much lightning and thunder here in the Bywater as it did elsewhere in town. They had to shut down Jazz Fest yesterday, too.

Today's storm is already flooding the street. The sound of the rain and wind is terrific.

Yesterday the Campus at UNO closed down due to flooding. I have a banquet to attend there later this afternoon - I'm not sure I'll be able to make it.


M. Bouffant said...

At least you've been able to enjoy N.O. before it's below sea level. Watch out for the sinkholes.

Glennis said...

There was a sinkhole on Canal Street a couple days after I wrote this post. This being New Orleans, there was a party about it - Sinkhole de Mayo!