It's said that women are starting small businesses at 1.5 times the rate of men. Some women-owned businesses are in traditional fields connected to home, decor, child-rearing, and cooking, but women are also branching out into fields that are not traditionally thought of as women's work.
Here's a perfect example of a woman-owned business in a non-traditional field. We caught their truck and office on Grand Street in South Central Los Angeles.

Go check out their MySpace page for some video and interviews with the two owners. Two single moms, one a flight attendant, the other a loan processor, decided to start their own business. Complete with pink handcuffs!
For these ladies, every day is Pink Saturday!
Good for them. When I first started building, I had all of my construction trash hauled away by a female owned company called Think Pink. All of their dumpsters and trucks were pink. Sadly, they went out of business a few years ago.
Oh, geeeeeeeesh
I wish I had found these first! LOL
Terrific post!
hApPy PiNk SaTuRdAy!
I would never have known it was owned by a woman...
How funny. I'll bet they get lots of business.
What a wonderful sharing this lovely Pink Saturday. BTW, I ♥ your blog and need to come back to really browse around later on today.
Uhm, never been in handcuffs but if I just had to be...pink would be the color for me!
that is hilarious!!!
happy pink saturday.
What fun!
Thanks for sharing and for your nice words on my pink picnic!
Happy Pink w.e
That is a pink vehicle! Happy Pink Saturday ~ Susan
That is awesome! Talk about women's empowerment! Thanks for sharing, and also thanks for letting me know about the plant. I was hoping to find out how to care for it specifically since it is such a beautiful plant.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday!
How cool is this vehicle?
~ Gabriela ~
Love it, love it!
The possibilities are endless!
Oh wow, good for them!!!
Very inspiring and who doesn't need a pair of pink handcuffs??? :))
I love your pics for Pink!!! Made my day. LOL!!!
Have a great pink weekend!
Happy Pink Day! Nice pink truck! Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh, I saw a piece about these ladies on the news a few weeks ago. I like it!
Now THAT's a Pink Saturday post to remember. Happy Pink Saturday.
You just can't beat that, can you. How fun and not to be forgotten if you need bailing out. Happy Pink Saturday and thankyou for the share, Char
I am posted under someplace in thyme for Pink Sat and not english cottage rose
Hi! fun truck!happy pink saturday!
visit me anytime...
Oh, this is a total hoot! Good for her!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I cannot imagine! lol
About the tree: I have no idea what kind it is. I just thought that it was amazing.
That is a great colour for a car. Happy pink Saturday and thank you for visiting my blog
I just laughed out loud.. too funny.. great PINK!
Happy Pink Saturday
Oh, gosh that is funny. How fun and clever of those two! Happy Pink Saturday. We enjoy your choices.
How funny...I'd have to say that is about as non traditional as it can get.. Good for them!
Happy Pink Saturday.
You can't go wrong with pink and lipstick. Great post.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Wow, that IS pink! Although, being in the UK, we don't have bail bonds (I first heard of them on Judge Judy) so not quite sure what it's all about, but it looks fascinating. All power to them, love the logo.
As long as they don't try to put their lipstick on a PIG, I guess they will be alright! lol
Happy Pink Saturday!
How fantastic! Lipstick Bail Bonds - you couldn't do better! What a great post! Happy Pink Saturday!
Aha, Glennis. You know I love this. They definitely marketed their business memorably.
Happy Pink Saturday. And, your Thursday post made me smile, too. I just love the way you roll. ;-)
well, they got noticed!
happy pink saturday!
LOL That's a great post for Pink Saturday! I love it.
Oh goodness! How fun! Nice choice for today! Happy Saturday!!
This is just fabulous! Great pink post, G!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Unusual business. If I hadn't check their link I wouldn't have thought. Far from the cutsie car they have.
That is too cute! I've worked in the courts for over 20 years and never met a woman bailbondlady! Mostly grumpy old men..Have a wonderful Pink Saturday, I got a chuckle from this post.
Excellent! Here's to women in business.
oh my gosh! That's a riot!! I love it! What a great post--hope you had a fabulous pink saturday!
Sheri ~~ Prim Rose Hill Studio
That's amazing. I bet they are as busy as all get out~ Happy belated Pink Saturday. xo Lynn
What a great way for them to advertise their business. LOL Good post!! Thankyou for visiting my blog and welcoming me to pink saturday!! :)
Hugs & Blessings,
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