Our neighbors keep chickens, and we've been lucky recipients of eggs - there's nothing better than fresh eggs. And Jack enjoys watching the chickens through the fence.
Recently they got some more chickens. This morning as I headed to my car to go to work, I caught these birds trying to escape.

I called my neighbor, and when I went back outside, the bird on the left was walking around in my driveway. My neighbor coaxed it back through the gate but then we looked up.
They're in the trees now. These chickens can fly.
Very cool. Those fresh eggs really taste better, don't they?
wings need clippin'!
Awesome, the "city chicken" movement is picking up steam. Last month, I met a girl in Brooklyn who was starting a coop.
Love that picture! We have lots of chickens in our neighborhood also. I've been forbidden from adding anymore animals to our household, or I'd have some too!
They are not Bantams, are they? Bantams are supposed to real Houdinis at escaping!
I love those black and white speckled chickens.
I think it's very cool how keeping chickens is getting so popular. I don't think my dogs would allow it, though!
Danger, Will Robinson!
I love fresh eggs.
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